Subcategories from this category:

News, Public Notice, Municipal notice, Press Release

Special session on October 28, 2021

Notice for a special session on October 28, 2021

Nom du fichier : 2276_001
Taille du fichier : 41 kb
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Mayor's word

Mayor's word - regular meeting of the municipal council of October 5, 2021

Nom du fichier : Mot-du-Maire-5-octobre-2021-ang
Taille du fichier : 37 kb
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Property assessment roll

Third fiscal year, application for administrative review

Nom du fichier : 2114_001
Taille du fichier : 52 kb
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Information session concerning the deployment of High Speed Internet in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge

Nom du fichier : 20221005---invitation-pour-Fibre-Argenteuil
Taille du fichier : 323 kb
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Launching of the Pair program

A free automated and personalized call service for the senior population of Argenteuil

File Name: PAIR_encart_anglais_MRC_dArgenteuil
File Size: 347 kb
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Public notice for the deposit of 2020 financial report

Nom du fichier : 1769_001
Taille du fichier : 40 kb
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Fraud prevention message

Fraud Prevention Message:

The Sûreté du Québec would like to remind seniors of a few prevention tips to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of "grandparent" fraud. Fraudsters use a variety of schemes to obtain money from their victims. The suspects often use the same approach with the senior citizen: they contact them by phone pretending to be a police officer and ask for a few thousand dollars to release the senior citizen's grandson who has been incarcerated. They take advantage of the elderly person's vulnerability to put pressure on them by playing on their emotions.

When they use these scams, the scammers are trying to put pressure on their victim. That's why you should always make sure you do your due diligence before trusting anyone.

Never give money to a stranger or to someone whose identity you have not verified.

If an individual claims to be acting on behalf of an organization, contact the organization directly.

Never give out personal information to someone who cannot prove their legitimacy.

When someone is too insistent or even insolent (e.g., demands your answer on the spot), ask yourself questions, don't trust them.

Ask personal questions that only your loved one would be able to answer.

Call the person's parents, another family member or friends to verify the validity of the story that has been presented to you.

The Sûreté du Québec invites the public to consult the Tips section of its website ( to learn more about fraud or to consult the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website at

Exchanges between Grenville-sur-la-Rouge and Canada Carbon continue

File Size: 559 kb
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Argenteuil High speed fibre optic Internet

File Name: 2021-07-21_COM_Annonce_decret_IHV-v-finale-VA
File Size: 175 kb
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Emergency Automated Calling System

Nom du fichier : information-en-anglais
Taille du fichier : 628 kb
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Council meeting in public

Nom du fichier : Avis-28-juin-2021---palier-vert
Taille du fichier : 50 kb
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Public notice is given that a special session will be held behind closed doors on Wednesday May 26, 2021, at 5:00 pm, at the Town Hall, 88 des Érables street, to address the following subjects:

Nom du fichier : avis-convocation
Taille du fichier : 79 kb
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By-law RE-706-03-2021

Entry into force of the loan by-law number RE-706-03-2021 to finance the repair of the waterworks system under the memorandum of understanding with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as part of the program FIMEAU.

Nom du fichier : entre-en-vigueur
Taille du fichier : 57 kb
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By-law number RA-706-03-2021

Entry into force of  by-law number RA-706-03-2021 decreeing the creation of a program to bring septic systems up to standard (EcoPrêt Program)

Nom du fichier : entre-en-vigueur
Taille du fichier : 54 kb
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Special session

PUBLIC NOTICE GIVEN that a special session will be held behind closed doors on Wednesday, April 7th, 2021 at 5:00 pm.

File Name: 0090_001
File Size: 47 kb
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File Size: 83 kb
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The MRC d’Argenteuil supports Grenville-sur-la-Rouge

The MRC d'Argenteuil supports Grenville-sur-la-Rouge position
in reference to the Canada Carbon project

Nom du fichier : 20210312-Communiqu-de-GslR---La-MRC-appuie-la-municipalit-ang
Taille du fichier : 42 kb
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By-law number RA-188-01-2021

Public notice of the entry into force of the by-law number RA-188-01-2021 (property taxes)

Nom du fichier : 3164_001
Taille du fichier : 51 kb
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By-law number RA-103-01-2021

Public notice of the entry into force of the by-law RA-103-01-2021 on governance.

Nom du fichier : 3163_001
Taille du fichier : 60 kb
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Nom du fichier : espace-de-travail-pour-tudiants
Taille du fichier : 122 kb
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Légalisation du cannabis et adolescents | Cannabis legalization and teenagers OF GRENVILLE-SUR-LA-ROUGE

Des capsules vidéo produites par deux MRC pour venir en aide aux familles et leur entourage (AVAILABLE ONLY IN FRENCH)

Nom du fichier : 2021-01-20_COMM_Projet_on_sinspire
Taille du fichier : 395 kb
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Violence conjugale | Domestic Violence

Ta sécurité passe avant tout.
Notre maison est ouverte et sécuritaire 24/7.

Citad'Elle de Lachute
450 562-7797


Your safety comes first. Our house is open and secure 24/7.
SOS Violence conjugale 1-800-363-9010

Dossier Internet haute vitesse | High Speed Internet File

La MRC d'Argenteuil et Fibre Argenteuil inc. déposent un mémoire conjoint au CRTC en vue d'améliorer la réglementation entourant l'accès aux poteaux (Available in French only )

Nom du fichier : internet-haute-vitesse
Taille du fichier : 460 kb
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Instructions established following government directives

Nom du fichier : AVIS-16-dcembre-2020-MB
Taille du fichier : 45 kb
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Consignes établies suite aux directives du gouvernement


Instructions issued as a result of government directives

Nom du fichier : AVIS-16-dcembre-2020-MB
Taille du fichier : 45 kb
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Special meeting on December 11, 2020

Nom du fichier : avis-de-convocation-spciale-11-dcembre-2020
Taille du fichier : 58 kb
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Special session on December 17, 2020

Special session on December 17,2020 at 7:00 pm, to adopt 2021 budget

Nom du fichier : Avis-public-et-ODJ-sance-extra-budget
Taille du fichier : 56 kb
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Budget 2021

Adoption of the 2021 budget

Nom du fichier : AVIS-PUBLIC---BUDGET-2021.V-2docx
Taille du fichier : 51 kb
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2021 regular sessions of the Municipal Council

Take note that the regular meetings of the municipal council will be held every second Tuesday of each month.

Taille du fichier : 48 kb
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Parent's guide Cybersûreté

As part of crime prevention week, the Sûreté du Québec published a guide that aims to inform parents of the risks associated with the use of online technologies and the dangers associated with the use of online technologies. 'Internet. It also provides advice on the safety and prevention measures to be favored by them so that they can play a positive role with their child.

Nom du fichier : 0.-SQ---Parents-guide-CyberSret-Mission-Informed-parents
Taille du fichier : 330 kb
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Special session on October 28, 2020


Nom du fichier : avis-de-convocation
Taille du fichier : 45 kb
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Nom du fichier : Avis-de-convocation
Taille du fichier : 60 kb
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Special Session on August 27, 2020

Nom du fichier : avis-de-convocaiton
Taille du fichier : 72 kb
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Termination of Interest Leave on Municipal Property Tax Accounts

Nom du fichier : taxes
Taille du fichier : 73 kb
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Special Session on August 6, 2020


Nom du fichier : ordre-du-jour
Taille du fichier : 53 kb
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Mayor's report

Highlights from the 2019 Report and Report from the external Auditor

Nom du fichier : mayors-report
Taille du fichier : 92 kb
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Gathering of 50 people and resuming public council meetings.

As you may know, gatherings of up to 50 people are now permitted. Cinemas are an example. However, we are still awaiting government guidance regarding municipal councils meetings and the holding of public meetings, as well as instructions for the rental of municipal premises. For the moment, we are maintaining the current rules.

As soon as we have the opportunity to reopen council meetings to the public, we will inform you. In the meantime, the audio recordings are available on the municipality's website the day following the meeting. 

Municipal bulletin June 2020

Update: Chutes-de-la-Rouge Camping

Dear Citizens,

Regarding the Camping des Chutes-de-la-Rouge, I wish to share with citizens the actual facts and decisions, correcting information I've seen on social media. Unfortunately, gossip has been ramped prior to any official decision being made.

Firstly, it is important for taxpayers to recognize that approximately $80,000 of your tax dollars had already been spent by the previous council for 'experts' to carry out studies relating to this camping and park ground endeavour. The previous council subsequently bought the grounds for $320,000. A clause in the transaction provided, in the event of a sale, a first right of refusal to Nature Canada and the MRC of Argenteuil.

In the end, the site's 'infrastructures' were valued at $835,000 and an 8-year agreement/lease was signed with Mr. Fortin (the previous camping operator). The contract provided for an established value decrease of the infrastructures over time, and a rental of $20,000/year. The agreement also provided for Mr. Fortin's right to withdraw from the agreement after three years, a right which he exercised in the summer of 2019, and for which he received compensation for residual infrastructure value established at $535,000. Add to this over $50 000 of various legal fees, and the total debt for all of these transactions is close to 1 million dollars ($1,000,000).

A committee made up of councillors Manon Jutras, Serge Bourbonnais, and Denis Fillion was formed by municipal council on June 11th, 2019. This committee's mandate was to finalize the termination of the contract with Mr. Fortin, organize matters in order to take over the operations of the camping, and arrange for the income of the camping to cover the cost of this taxpayers' debt of approximately one million dollars ($1,000,000).

This committee set up a Non for Profit Organization (NPO) with an independent Board of Directors comprised of Gilles Drouin, Edith Dinel, Gilbert Landry and two councillors, Manon Jutras and Denis Fillion.

It is this committee which hired the director and employees for the management of the camping operations, always with the governing objective and mandate of paying back the citizen's debt.

We, the Municipal Council, have signed a contract with the NPO for them to carry out this mandate. It was important for the Municipal Council to ensure that our citizens have free access to the beach however not to interfere in the operations of this NPO, which means not to get involved in the pricing of parking, etc.

On this premise, it is important to note that as of today, there is no public parking space within the camping area but we are building one.

All regulations concerning the campgrounds are under the control of the NPO. Rest assured when the government authorizes public access to the beaches, you will be notified via the municipal and the camping websites.

As for the costs of access to the facilities, the NPO will set the prices. One of the advantages to GSLR residences this year, in addition to free access to the beach, will be free parking from Monday to Thursday; and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday access parking is set at the reduced rate of $5/day.

We sincerely hope that the NPO will succeed in this important mandate. I among others do not intend to pay for this camping through my property taxes; it must be self-sufficient and profitable.

I hope this information helps you and a certain council member understand why the NPO made the decisions they did. Some people think that money grows on trees. For any questions on this topic or any other topic you can reach me by snail mail at Town Hall, 88 des Érables, or by e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tom Arnold, Mayor of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge


Despite the difficulties we are experiencing in these pandemic times, the municipality is nonetheless finding the means to keep repairing the roads and infrastructures on our territory.

In fact, several worksites began right after the thaw; at the beginning of April, we started with work on Winfield and Avoca roads with the repair of several culverts and the digging of new ditches at critical locations.

Subsequently, part of the paving contract awarded last year was carried out for those newly paved sections of Rawcliffe and Avoca roads requiring their wearing course. There will be other paving sections to be completed on Kilmar and Harrington Roads west of North Red River Road and east of South Red River Road. On this last section, we are redoing the structure of the roadway and shaping new ditches for the paving to come. This part of the road, once redone, will be in place for several years to come.

At kilometer 5 on Kilmar Road, the municipality had to replace a culvert 1.5 meters in diameter at a depth of 3 meters, which required closing the road for more than four (4) days. North of Lessard Road, we corrected the visibility triangle over a distance of more than 200 meters, which will considerably increase the level of safety for circulating vehicles.

New ditches have been created on Tervette Road at the intersection of Avoca Road. We excavated several places damaged by Hydro Quebec transport trucks which had been carrying out work at the Bell Falls dam. This work, over a 1.4 kilometer section, was all undertaken at Hydro-Québec's expense.

On Calumet's Principale Street, 200 meters of water mains were installed in the fall of 2019. The design of plans and specs is underway for the next section.

We are fully aware much remains to be done to complete the work which has started, or is about to start, on Scotch Road for example. Please rest assured we will continue to work at providing our municipality with roads which allow for pleasant and safe circulation.


The municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge's Town Hall, located at 88, rue des Érables, will once again be welcoming citizens as of Monday June 21st at the normal office hours of 8:30 a.m. to noon, and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Although we would prefer to address your requests and answer your questions remotely rather than face-to-face, it will be possible to obtain an appointment with the various municipal services at Town Hall. It will also be possible to collect or drop off your documents. Depending on their volume, a mail drop-off box will be available to the right of the main door.

This being said, security measures have been put in place to limit the risks of spreading the COVID-19 virus, including:

  • Admission of a limited number of people admitted at the same time inside the building.
  • Upon arrival/entry, visitors will be invited to disinfect their hands.
  • Although our offices will be open, we ask that you give priority to telephone communications 819-242-8762 ext. 3100 and e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Anyone with the following symptoms: fever or chills, unusual cough, difficulty breathing, sudden loss of smell without nasal congestion, should not report to Town Hall or anywhere else.

Wearing a mask or face covering is recommended.


The Food Assistance Network for the Western sector of the Argenteuil MRC is now located at 289 Main Street in Grenville Village.

To join us call: 819-996-8537 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Each year we celebrate Environment Day in May, however this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the activity had to be cancelled. Nonetheless, the municipality has decided to offer its citizens who depend on a well the possibility of having their water analyzed.

Between June 21st and 28th, 2020, you may purchase a water test kit (bacteriology) online at a cost of $45 + taxes. You must pick up the bottle at City Hall between June 22nd and 26th, collect your water sample on June 28th, and return it to us the same day between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

Here is the procedure:

1. Go to the H2Lab online store - via the following website link, and choose package #1: bacteriologique

2. Enter the required information (place of collection + name of the collector) then click on "buy now"

3. Enter your email and make sure to choose the delivery method "collect" and click on "I already have my containers"

4. Apply the code GSLR2020 in the space provided (right side of the screen) before payment

5. Complete the required payment information (credit card) and complete your purchase

6. Note the order number (4 digits)

7. Obtain a bottle, if you have not already done so, and indicate on your bottle the order number (4 digits), the analyst request number (7 digits) and the date of collection.

For more information

Miriam Richer McCallum, inspectrice adjointe/environnement

819-242-8762, poste 3135

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Press Release - Additional Road Checkpoints

This morning, April 1st, 2020, the Quebec government asked that the Sûreté du Québec organize additional road checkpoints at the limits and inside four new regions, including that of the of Argenteuil MRC.

Nom du fichier : communique-1er-avril-2020
Taille du fichier : 121 kb
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Calendar of events

June   2024
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Events to come

There are no up-coming events