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Mayor word

It has been a year since we were elected.It now makes a year since the new council is at work.2023 is already here and projects are still filling up on our agenda: road repairs; replacement of culverts; garage space for Public Works; needs analysis at the Calumet fire station; Paul-Bougie Park development project; affordable housing project; collection and processing of putrescible materials; recruitment, training and especially retention of personnel; grant applications; development of the Chutes-de-la-Rouge campground; cultural activities; mining development; industrial park; and other economic and environmental issues. So many topics that kept us busy in 2022 and will keep us busy in 2023.

Our financial situation is sound and we will make sure to keep it sound. We will see to offering you a maximum of quality services and optimizing every dollar spent. We are aware that the economic situation can be difficult for some and that not everyone is affected equally by inflation. This is why we have done everything to keep the tax rate as low as possible and to take into account the increases in the value recorded for properties in the new property assessment roll.

In closing, I send you my greetings and thank the members of council and employees for their commitment to better serve the citizens of our municipality and to improve the quality of life that we all enjoy in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge.

Tom Arnold, Mayor

Calendar of events

March   2025
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31          

Events to come

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