Ordre du jour/Agenda
Ordre du jour/Agenda
Projet Kilmar - Lessard
Kilmar - Lessard project
Bulletin municipal, culturel et loisirs
Municipal newsletter, cultural and recreational
Fin des travaux
End of Work
Fermeture du chemin de la 2e Concession
Closure of the 2nd Concession Road
Mise en berne des drapeaux
Flags half-mast
Chemin du Lac Commandant
Communiqué sur les bacs verts / Release on green bins
La station de lavage de bateaux du débarcadère de Calumet est maintenant fonctionnelle. Nous vous demandons de l'utiliser afin de participer à la lutte contre les espèces aquatiques envahissantes (EAE) et les organismes pathogènes de la faune aquatique. L'utilisation de la station de lavage de bateaux permet de prévenir l'introduction ou la propagation de ces espèces indésirables.
The boat washing station at the Calumet landing is now functional. We are asking you to use it to help fight aquatic invasive species (AIS) and aquatic wildlife pathogens. The use of the boat washing station prevents the introduction or spread of these undesirable species.
Veuillez prendre note que le quai du débarcadère est présentement en réparation.
Please note that the landing dock is currently under repair.Texte
You will find attached the Municipal Newsletter - Cultural / Recreational for the summer of 2023.
The Pair program allows its members to feel more secure thanks to:
The prevention system makes it possible to react quickly in the event of a tragedy.
These daily calls are reassuring for subscribers and their families.
It is also possible to use this solution to make appointment reminders, invitations for events, as well as for birthdays.
Become a member of the Pair program or register one of your relatives?
Contact us at 1-877-997-7247 or register at this web page:
Who is the Pair program for?
The Pair program is completely free for members and always will be!
As of April 1, 2023, library late fees are abolished and debts associated with late documents for all its subscribers are erased.
This measure aims to improve acces to the municipal libraries. A place of culture that is essential to the community.
Grenville-sur-la-Rouge lacks information to issue a notice of compliance to Canada Carbon's recent application to the CPTAQ
Règlement pour les bibliothèques
By-law for librairies
Règlement sur la tarification du service de sécurité incendie
By-law on the pricing of the fire safety service
Règlement RA-701-02-2023 By-law
Requests to be presented at the meeting of March 14, 2023
Mandat de vérification comptable
Audit accounting mandate
The municipality needs to proceed with emergency repairs on the water network and that water will be cut from now to the end of the evening.
Mechanic - Public works
Deposit of the roll for 2023 - 2024 - 2025
The municipality is looking for candidates to fill 3 permanent / full time positions in public works
Submission form
Public notice of consultation
First notice for the municipalization of Baillargeon Street
Mayor's word of March 2022
In the upcoming weeks, motorists traveling municipal roads in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge will notice new road signs indicating the use of flashing green lights by firefighters. These signs are intended as a reminder to drivers that if you see such a flashing light, your firefighters are on their way to an intervention and, as a "courtesy", when possible, let them pass, and this, if everything is safe.
As the holiday season approaches, online shopping and package deliveries increase dramatically. As a result, the number of package thefts delivered to the doorstep has increased. The SQtv team has just published a Preventive Alert/Info on its YouTube channel SQtv-Sûreté du Québec. It includes prevention tips.
The video is available on the following link: https://youtu.be/NGw3q56oY10
Adoption of the 2022 budget on December 14, 2021
Notice for a special session on October 28, 2021
Mayor's word - regular meeting of the municipal council of October 5, 2021
Third fiscal year, application for administrative review
Information session concerning the deployment of High Speed Internet in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge
A free automated and personalized call service for the senior population of Argenteuil
Public notice for the deposit of 2020 financial report
Fraud Prevention Message:
The Sûreté du Québec would like to remind seniors of a few prevention tips to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of "grandparent" fraud. Fraudsters use a variety of schemes to obtain money from their victims. The suspects often use the same approach with the senior citizen: they contact them by phone pretending to be a police officer and ask for a few thousand dollars to release the senior citizen's grandson who has been incarcerated. They take advantage of the elderly person's vulnerability to put pressure on them by playing on their emotions.
When they use these scams, the scammers are trying to put pressure on their victim. That's why you should always make sure you do your due diligence before trusting anyone.
Never give money to a stranger or to someone whose identity you have not verified.
If an individual claims to be acting on behalf of an organization, contact the organization directly.
Never give out personal information to someone who cannot prove their legitimacy.
When someone is too insistent or even insolent (e.g., demands your answer on the spot), ask yourself questions, don't trust them.
Ask personal questions that only your loved one would be able to answer.
Call the person's parents, another family member or friends to verify the validity of the story that has been presented to you.
The Sûreté du Québec invites the public to consult the Tips section of its website (www.sq.gouv.qc.ca) to learn more about fraud or to consult the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website at www.centreantifraude.ca
Emergency Automated Calling System
Council meeting in public
Public notice is given that a special session will be held behind closed doors on Wednesday May 26, 2021, at 5:00 pm, at the Town Hall, 88 des Érables street, to address the following subjects:
Entry into force of the loan by-law number RE-706-03-2021 to finance the repair of the waterworks system under the memorandum of understanding with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing as part of the program FIMEAU.
Entry into force of by-law number RA-706-03-2021 decreeing the creation of a program to bring septic systems up to standard (EcoPrêt Program)