Emergency Automated Calling System

As part of our emergency plan residents of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge can now be contacted by an automated emergency messaging system managed by the municipality, WITH NO USER FEE FOR ITS CITIZENS.

This system is supported by the Telmatik contact center. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the system allows the Municipality to reach citizens in a timely fashion in order to keep them informed of any particular situation, Using this new communication tool, citizens can receive a wide range of information such as: service interruptions, water main breaks, a boil water advisory, general notices, municipal events and activities, notices of municipal meetings or in any other situation deemed urgent. (water system break, of a water boil advisory or any other emergency situation.).

The phone service is actually comprised of all listed phone numbers in the phone book (Bell’s white pages). If you do not have a land-line telephone, please register. The system allows several registrations for the same address, according to the chosen type of communication (email or text messaging). Customize your alerts according to your needs.

It is the responsibility of citizens, merchants, institutions and industries to update or register their information. The information provided during registration will be kept confidential and will be used for the alert service and emergency situations only. You may unsubscribe from the alerts at any time, by deactivating your account.

How do I register?


Please note that the data base of the Municipality remains confidential and cannot be used for telemarketing purposes. The automated calling system is used as a method of additional emergency communication and should not be considered the sole source of information. The Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge offers no guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness or delivery of any information transmitted through the system. Although it is an important tool for the Municipality in an emergency, there is no guarantee that the notification will reach every resident when activated. The Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, the Council and municipal employees shall not be liable for any actions taken or omissions made with regards to the information provided or for failure in receiving messages.

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