Public notice is given that a special session will be held behind closed doors on Wednesday May 26, 2021, at 5:00 pm, at the Town Hall, 88 des Érables street, to address the following subjects:
Public notice is given that a special session will be held behind closed doors on Wednesday May 26, 2021, at 5:00 pm, at the Town Hall, 88 des Érables street, to address the following subjects:
The MRC d'Argenteuil supports Grenville-sur-la-Rouge position
in reference to the Canada Carbon project
Des capsules vidéo produites par deux MRC pour venir en aide aux familles et leur entourage (AVAILABLE ONLY IN FRENCH)
Ta sécurité passe avant tout.
Notre maison est ouverte et sécuritaire 24/7.
Citad'Elle de Lachute
450 562-7797
Your safety comes first. Our house is open and secure 24/7.
SOS Violence conjugale 1-800-363-9010
La MRC d'Argenteuil et Fibre Argenteuil inc. déposent un mémoire conjoint au CRTC en vue d'améliorer la réglementation entourant l'accès aux poteaux (Available in French only )
Instructions established following government directives
Consignes établies suite aux directives du gouvernement
Instructions issued as a result of government directives
As part of crime prevention week, the Sûreté du Québec published a guide that aims to inform parents of the risks associated with the use of online technologies and the dangers associated with the use of online technologies. 'Internet. It also provides advice on the safety and prevention measures to be favored by them so that they can play a positive role with their child.
Gathering of 50 people and resuming public council meetings.
As you may know, gatherings of up to 50 people are now permitted. Cinemas are an example. However, we are still awaiting government guidance regarding municipal councils meetings and the holding of public meetings, as well as instructions for the rental of municipal premises. For the moment, we are maintaining the current rules.
As soon as we have the opportunity to reopen council meetings to the public, we will inform you. In the meantime, the audio recordings are available on the municipality's website the day following the meeting.