Subcategories from this category:

Cultural and social life, Tourism

Horaire - patinoire / Ice rink schedule

Il fait froid, la glace de la patinoire est idéale! Le chalet des patineurs est ouvert tous les jours, de 10h à 22h30 et la patinoire est éclairée jusqu'à 22h00. À vos patins!!

It's cold outside, and the ice on the rink is ideal! The skaters' chalet is open every day from 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., and the rink is lit until 10:00 p.m. Get your skates on!

Exposition à l'hôtel de ville / Exhibition at City Hall

Il reste encore 3 semaines, venez voir! 3 weeks left, come to see!


Distribution de bonbons / Candy distribution


Concours de décoration de citrouilles / Pumkin decorating contest 

Nom du fichier : Rglements---concours-de-citrouilles-2024-ANG
Taille du fichier : 159 kb
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Nom du fichier : Rglements---concours-de-citrouilles-2024
Taille du fichier : 154 kb
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Bibliothèque de Pointe-au-Chêne / Pointe-au-Chêne librairy

C'est gratuit! Inscriptions en cours.

It's free! Registrations in progress.

Programme Pair: Daily prevention call and reminders

Programme Pair: Daily prevention call and reminders

The Pair program allows its members to feel more secure thanks to:

  • Daily prevention call service with an alert in case of non-confirmation
  • Reminders to take medication with or without an alert

The prevention system makes it possible to react quickly in the event of a tragedy.

These daily calls are reassuring for subscribers and their families.

It is also possible to use this solution to make appointment reminders, invitations for events, as well as for birthdays.

Become a member of the Pair program or register one of your relatives?

Contact us at 1-877-997-7247 or register at this web page:

Who is the Pair program for?

  • Seniors living alone.
  • Elderly couples with or without health problems.
  • Families who are worried about their parents, but do not have the time or the ability to call them every day.
  • Person in need of a medication reminder.
  • Person with health problems.
  • Anyone who needs a daily call for any other reason.

For more informations:

The Pair program is completely free for members and always will be!

Abolition of late fees in the libraries

Abolition of late fees in the libraries

As of April 1, 2023, library late fees are abolished and debts associated with late documents for all its subscribers are erased.

This measure aims to improve acces to the municipal libraries. A place of culture that is essential to the community.

Kung-Fu courses

Report on Kung-Fu School of Argenteuil (École de Kung-Fu Argenteuil)

Are you curious to know more about Kung Fu? Here is a report on the Kung-Fu School of Argenteuil (École de Kung-Fu d'Argenteuil) 

Moreover, you can register for courses given at the Séminaire Sacré-Coeur 


Schedule: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm (Ages 9+, Adults)


Schedule 1: 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.: Ages 8-

Schedule 2: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Ages 9+, adults)

Cost*: $55 / month, 2 for 1 / family 

*for all the classes

For more information, contact Louis Roy at 438-308-3337

Argenteuil healthy basket

 Fresh fruits and vegetables at a reduced price delivered at Grenville-sur-la-Rouge. Thursdays every 2 weeks.

Three (3) available formats: $14 - $18 - $22.  Contact us at Café Partage : 450-562-0987

Calendar of events

January   2025
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5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31  

Events to come

There are no up-coming events