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Minutes of the special council sitting of the Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, held behind closed doors at Grenville-sur-la-Rouge's city hall, on April 30, 2020 at 4:35 pm.

Présents :

Le maire :

Tom Arnold


Les conseillères :

Manon Jutras

Natalia Czarnecka

Les conseillers :

Denis Fillion

Serge Bourbonnais

Directeur général :

Marc Beaulieu



Ron Moran

Marc André Le Gris


After finding of quorum, the sitting is open at 4:35 pm by Mr. Tom Arnold, mayor of the Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge. The general director M. Beaulieu is present, also acts as the assembly secretary.

Reading of the notice of meeting

According to article 153 of the Municipal Code, the mayor and the council declare that notice of meeting has been notified to all the members of council who are not present at the opening of the sitting.



2020-04-157 Resolution – Adoption of the agenda

It is proposed by Councillor Denis Fillion and resolved to approve the agenda of the present council sitting as written.

Carried unanimously

2020-04-158 Granting of a legal mandate for the final settlement of the agreement between the municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge and 9050-5975 Québec Inc. (Jocelyn Fortin)

WHEREAS the content of the transfer agreement entered into on March 5, 2020 between the municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge and 9050-5975 Québec Inc., represented by Mr. Jocelyn Fortin;

WHEREAS the terms of this agreement provided for a retention of $ 100,000 until the exterior works are winterized and the required maintenance work is completed;

WHEREAS the parties wish to expedite the settlement of the payment in connection with this $ 100,000 deduction, it has been agreed that 9050-5975 Québec Inc. waives an amount of fifty-five thousand dollars ($55 000). The amount of forty-five thousand dollars ($45 000) will be paid to him following the adoption of this resolution and the signing of a total and final release for the benefit of the municipality;

WHEREAS following discussions between the director general of the municipality and the representative of 9050-5975 Québec Inc., it was agreed between the parties:

  • that the municipality retain the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000);
  • that the park trailer belonging to 9050-5975 Québec Inc., installed at the campsite, be transferred to the municipality in consideration of the settlement;

THEREFOREit is proposed by Councillor Manon Jutras and resolved that the Council authorizes the general direction to release an amount of forty-five thousand dollars ($45 000) in the name of 9050-5975 Québec Inc., in exchange of a total and final release in connection with the transfer agreement dated March 5, 2020.

It is also proposed that Me Mélanie St-Onge, of the legal study Trivium, be mandated to review the receipt and obtain that the amount of $100,000, deposited in the trust account of the legal study Bélanger Sauvé, be delivered as follows:

  • that a sum of forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) be paid to 9050-5975 Québec Inc .;
  • that the balance in the amount of fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000) be returned to the municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge;

The certificate ADM-004005 is issued and the necessary funds will be taken from budget item

Carried unanimously


The general director certifies that the Municipality has the necessary budgetary credits for the expenses decreed in this special sitting.



2020-04-159 Adjournment

All of the subjects in the agenda have been covered, it is proposed by Councillor Serge Bourbonnais and resolved to close the special sitting at 4:40 pm.

Carried unanimously

Tom Arnold


Marc Beaulieu

Directeur général et secrétaire-trésorier

Minutes of May 12, 2020
Minutes of April 27, 2020

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