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Minutes of the special council sitting of the Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, held behind closed doors at Grenville-sur-la-Rouge's city hall, on April 27, 2020 at 4:53 pm, by teleconference.Each of these people identified individually:

Présents :

Le maire :

Tom Arnold (sur place)


Les conseillères :

Manon Jutras (sur place)

Natalia Czarnecka (sur place)

Les conseillers :

Denis Fillion (téléphone)

Serge Bourbonnais (sur place)

Marc André Le Gris (téléphone)

Directeur général :

Marc Beaulieu (sur place)

Absent :

Le conseiller

Ron Moran


After finding of quorum, the regular sitting is open at 4:53 pm by Mr. Tom Arnold, mayor of the Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge. The general director M. Beaulieu who also acts as the assembly secretary.

Reading of the notice of meeting

According to article 153 of the Municipal Code, the mayor and the council declare that notice of meeting has been notified to all the members of council who are not present at the opening of the sitting.


2020-04-145 Resolution – Adoption of the agenda

It is proposed by Councillor Serge Bourbonnais and resolved to approve the agenda of the present council sitting as written.

Carried unanimously

2020-04-146 Résolution – Adoption du Règlement numéro RA-188-04-2020, modifiant le Règlement RA-188-01-2020, décrétant les taux de taxes foncières, de tarifications et de compensations pour l'année 2020

ATTENDU QUE la Municipalité a adopté le 11 février 2020, le Règlement RA-188-01-2020, décrétant les taux de taxes foncières, de tarifications et de compensations pour l'année 2020;

ATTENDU QUE l'article 989 du Code municipal du Québec autorise le conseil municipal à imposer et à prélever sur le territoire de la municipalité, par voie de taxation directe, soit sur les biens-fonds imposables de son territoire, une taxe basée sur leur valeur portée au rôle d'évaluation afin de pourvoir aux dépenses d'administration de celle-ci;

ATTENDU QUE l'article 981 du Code municipal du Québec autorise la Municipalité à décréter par résolution un taux d'intérêt différent que celui prévu par règlement et ce, à toutes les fois qu'il le juge opportun;

ATTENDU QUE l'article 252 de la Loi sur la fiscalité municipale autorise le conseil municipal de permettre que le paiement des taxes municipales soit effectué en plusieurs versements;

ATTENDU QUE la municipalité a prévu, conformément à l'article 252 de la Loi sur la fiscalité municipale, que le paiement des taxes pouvait être fait en quatre (4) versements;

ATTENDU QUE l'article 250.1 de la Loi sur la fiscalité municipale autorise la Municipalité à fixer une pénalité à un taux d'intérêt différent que celui prévu par règlement et ce, à toutes les fois qu'il le juge opportun;

ATTENDU QUE la situation de plusieurs citoyens et citoyennes pourrait devenir précaire en raison du COVID-19 et des consignes édictées par les autorités compétentes afin de limiter sa propagation;

ATTENDU QUE la Municipalité désire venir en aide à ces contribuables en diminuant le taux de la taxe foncière annuelle applicable sur son territoire;

ATTENDU QU'un avis de motion a été dûment donné par la conseillère Natalia Czarnecka lors de la séance du conseil tenue le 14 avril 2020 et qu'un projet de règlement a été déposé lors de cette même séance;

EN CONSÉQUENCEil est proposé par la conseillère Manon Jutras et résolu :

QUE le conseil décrète ce qui suit :

QUE le taux de la taxe foncière annuelle applicable sur le territoire de la Municipalité établi dans le Règlement numéro RA-188-01-2020 est remplacé par le taux suivant pour l'année 2020 :

QUE le taux d'intérêt et la pénalité applicable pour uniquement les taxes municipales 2020 due à la Municipalité et qui demeure impayée en date du 20 avril 2020 est établit 0 % par année, et ce, jusqu'au 3 septembre 2020.

QUE les échéances des versements afin d'acquitter le paiement des taxes municipales prévues au Règlement numéro RA-188-01-2020 sont reportées aux dates suivantes :

Anciennes échéances

Nouvelles échéances

19 mars 2020

20 avril 2020

7 mai 2020

7 mai 2020

2 juillet 2020

2 juillet 2020

3 septembre 2020

3 septembre 2020

Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la Loi.

Carried unanimously

2020-04-147Granting of a legal mandate to contest by-law number 72-11 of the MRC of Argenteuil, replacing by-law number 65-08 concerning the establishment of a regional fund for the rehabilitation and maintenance of certain public roads, under draft by-law 82 (An Act to amend various municipal legislation), based on royalties for quarries and sand pits

WHEREASthat during discussions held at the table of the council of mayors on February 12, 2020, the mayor, Mr. Tom Arnold pointed out the inequity of the formula for distributing the royalties related to the extraction of granular materials from the MRC of Argenteuil, that is by-law number 72-11 of the MRC of Argenteuil, replacing by-law number 65-08 concerning the establishment of a regional fund for the rehabilitation and maintenance of certain public roads, under draft by-law 82 (An Act to amend various municipal legislation), based on royalties for quarries and sand pits entered into force on May 27, 2011;
WHEREASthe refusal notified on February 12, 2020, by the council of mayors, to revise said by-law;
WHEREASthe municipality is deprived of significant revenues;
THEREFOREit is proposed by Councillor Denis Fillion and resolved that the municipality contest the said by-law with the Municipal Commission of Quebec and that the mandate to assist the municipality in its legal proceedings be entrusted to Me Mélanie St-Onge of the TRIVIUM legal study. The certificate ADM-004002 is issued and the necessary funds will be taken from budget item

Arrival of Councillor Natalia Czarnecka at 4:58 pm.

Carried unanimously

2020-04-148Granting of a mandate to Me Mélanie St-Onge, lawyer, and Pierre Bélanger, land surveyor, for the expropriation of the sand pit located on Scotch road

WHEREAS in recent months, the owner of lot 6,095,680 has approached the municipality in order to offer to operate a sand pit on its behalf;

WHEREASsurveys were done on lot 6 095 680 and that these demonstrated the presence of quality sand;

WHEREASthe municipality wishes to be able to extract material from said sand pit in order to do maintenance work on Scotch road and other municipal roads;

THEREFOREit is proposed by Councillor Denis Fillion and resolved :

  • that the general management be instructed to enter a notice of reservation and, if applicable, initiate expropriation procedures on part of Lot 6 095 680 where the desired sand pit is located;
  • that lawyer Mélanie St-Onge of the TRIVIUM legal study be mandated, to support the municipality in its efforts and undertake any legal or administrative remedy to follow up on this; The certificate ADM-004003 is issued and the necessary funds will be taken from budget item 02.610.00.412
  • that, as part of this process, the survey and the technical description of the land be carried out by Mr. Pierre Bélanger, land surveyor. The certificate ADM-004004 is issued and the necessary funds will be taken from budget item 02.610.00.419.

Carried unanimously


WITHDRAWNGranting of a legal mandate for the final settlement of the agreement between the municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge and 9050-5975 Québec Inc. (Jocelyn Fortin)

WHEREAS the content of the transfer agreement entered into on March 5, 2020 between the municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge and 9050-5975 Québec Inc., represented by Mr. Jocelyn Fortin;

WHEREAS the terms of this agreement provided for a retention of $ 100,000 until the exterior works are winterized and the required maintenance work is completed;

WHEREAS the parties wish to expedite the settlement of the payment in connection with this $ 100,000 deduction, it has been agreed that 9050-5975 Québec Inc. waives an amount of ____________. The amount agreed will be paid to him following the adoption of this resolution and the signing of a total and final release for the benefit of the municipality, at the time of delivery of the balance to 9050-5975 Québec Inc.;

THEREFOREit is proposed by Councillor X X X X X X X X X X and resolved that the Council authorizes the municipality to release an amount of _____________ in the name of 9050-5975 Québec Inc., in exchange for a total and final discharge in connection with the transfer agreement dated March 5, 2020.

It is also proposed that Me Jean-Philippe Fortin, of the Bélanger Sauvé legal study, be mandated to prepare the receipt, pay the amount due to 9050-5975 Québec Inc. and remit to the municipality the balance of 100,000 $ deposited in the account of Bélanger Sauvé "in trust". The certificate ADM-004005 is issued and the necessary funds will be taken from budget item

WITHDRAWNPayment to Camping les Chutes-de-la-Rouge of the residual surplus from the Halte-Camping Chute des Sept-Sœurs

WHEREAS the municipality owns the campsite newly known as Camping des Chutes-de-la-Rouge;

WHEREAS the municipality wishes to hand over facilities in good condition to the non-profit organization Camping des Chutes-de-la-Rouge;

WHEREAS the municipality having ended the dispute with 9050-5975 Québec Inc. concerning the handover of its facilities;

WHEREAS an amount of ____________ has been released, following the settlement of the dispute between the municipality and 9050-5975 Québec Inc.;

THEREFORE it is proposed by Councillor X X X X X X X X X X and resolved to authorize the general management to have executed, in collaboration with the board of directors of Camping des Chutes-de-la-Rouge, the repair and renovation work necessary for the opening of the campsite for the 2020 season. The necessary funds will be taken from budget item

2020-04-149Web site translation

WHEREAS the municipality has granted to Webtotal the mandate to set up, for May 1, 2020, a user-friendly and easy-to-manage website;

WHEREAS in the mandate given to Webtotal, the translation of the information contained on the site was excluded from the agreement;

WHEREAS the municipality must serve its French-speaking and English-speaking citizens fairly;

WHEREAS recently, Mr. Dennis Maloney was able to demonstrate his skills as a translator and his rates are competitive;

THEREFORE it is proposed by Councillor Natalia Czarnecka and resolved:

  • that we authorize the general management to have all the elements of the website translated, so that its English portion is as complete as its French portion;
  • that the general management is mandated to entrust the translation of the elements of the website to Mr. Dennis Maloney, at the cost of 20¢ per word. The certificate ADM-004006 is issued and the necessary funds will be taken from budget item

Carried unanimously

2020-04-150Purchase of a 2017, Ford F150 pick-up truck

WHEREASit is necessary to provide the public works foreman with a vehicle allowing him to move around the territory of the municipality in order to supervise the work;

WHEREAS the research carried out in order to find a used vehicle capable of meeting the needs of the foreman;

WHEREASthe prices submitted by the following tenderers:




Léveillé Toyota (Ford F150, 2017)

45 500

29 997$

Automobile en direct (Ford F150, 2017)

53 118

29 999$

West Island (Ford F150, 2017)

58 885

28 895$

WHEREAS the 2017, Ford F150 sold by Léveillé Toyota has the lowest mileage;

THEREFORE it is proposed by Councillor Serge Bourbonnais and resolved that the municipality authorize the General Director to proceed with the acquisition of a 2017, Ford F150 pick-up truck, in the amount of $29 997 before taxes, from the Léveillé Toyota dealer. The pick-up truck will be payable from the Working Capital Fund and the Finance Coordinator is authorized to transfer from the Working Capital Fund the amount sufficient to pay this reimbursable expense over a period of four (4) years. The certificate ADM-4007 is issued, the necessary funds will be taken from budget item

Carried unanimously

2020-04-151 Resolution – Purchase of mobile traffic lights

WHEREASthe municipality must carry out work on various roads in the municipality, which requires the closure of a traffic lane;

WHEREASthe use of mobile traffic lights significantly reduces the risk of accidents involving workers and motorists as they approach construction sites;

WHEREASthe Municipality requested and received price quotes from suppliers, including applicable taxes:



Signel Service Inc.

8 919,76$

Fusion Signalisation

8 807,09$

WHEREAS the Signel Service Inc. model is available immediately at a higher cost of only $ 112;

THEREFOREit is proposed by Councillor Manon Jutras and resolved that the council authorizes the general direction to proceed to the purchase of mobile traffic lights from Signel Services Inc. for a total amount of $8 919.76 including taxes. The mobile traffic lights will be payable from the non-affected Surplus and the Finance Coordinator is authorized to transfer from the non-affected Surplus the amount sufficient to pay this expense. The necessary funds will be taken from budget item 02.320.00.725.

Carried unanimously

2020-04-152 Resolution – Request for an opinion from the Quebec Municipal Commission on the compliance of By-law number RU-923-09-2019 amending zoning by-law number RU-902-01-2015, as amended, in order to modify the permitted uses and / or excluded within the RT-06 zone, create a new zone (RT-08) within the limits of the RT-06 zone and define the uses permitted and / or excluded within this new zone

WHEREASthat By-law number RU-923-09-2019 amending zoning by-law number RU-902-01-2015, as amended, in order to modify the permitted uses and / or excluded within the RT-06 zone, create a new zone (RT-08) within the limits of the RT-06 zone and define the uses permitted and / or excluded within this new zone has not been approved by the Argenteuil MRC, as indicated in resolution 20-04-132 of this MRC received by email to the municipality dated April 22, 2020;

THEREFORE it is proposed by Councillor Marc-André Le Gris and resolved that a request for a notice of compliance be sent to the Commission municipale du Québec so that it may rule on the compliance of said by-law number RU-923-09-2019 with the objectives of the scheme. layout and provisions of the complementary document of the MRC of Argenteuil.

Carried unanimously

2020-04-153Granting of a legal mandate for the purpose of obtaining the opinion of the Quebec Municipal Commission on the conformity of By-law number RU-923-09-2019 amending the zoning by-law number RU-902-01-2015, such that amended, in order to modify the permitted and / or excluded uses within the RT-06 zone, create a new zone (RT-08) within the limits of the RT-06 zone and define the permitted uses and / or excluded within this new zone

WHEREASthe municipality has received a notice of non-compliance, from the Argenteuil MRC, for the By-law number RU-923-09-2019 amending the zoning by-law number RU-902-01-2015, such that amended, in order to modify the permitted and / or excluded uses within the RT-06 zone, create a new zone (RT-08) within the limits of the RT-06 zone and define the permitted uses and / or excluded within this new zone;
WHEREASthe municipality wishes to obtain the opinion of the Quebec Municipal Commission on the conformity of said By-law number RU-923-09-2019;

THEREFOREit is proposed by Councillor Marc-André Le Gris and resolved that the municipality contest the said by-law with the Municipal Commission of Quebec and that the mandate to assist the municipality in its legal proceedings be entrusted to Me Mélanie St-Onge of the TRIVIUM legal study.
That the necessary funds be taken from account

Carried unanimously

2020-04-154 Resolution - Granting of a legal mandate to obtain Court permission to demolish a burnt and abandoned building at 3 Avoca Road

WHEREAS the building located at 3 Avoca Road, Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, is abandoned and obsolete, following a fire on December 24, 2019;

WHEREAS this building must be demolished to ensure the security of the neighborhood;

WHEREAS the property is abandoned with debris of any kind, and contravenes section 4 of by-law number R-4 concerning nuisances;

WHEREAS this building has been the subject of several inspections in the past years, the last of which was held on September 24th, 2019, by the municipal inspectors and the prevention officer of the MRC d'Argenteuil, who highlighted the state of the dangerous and unsanitary nature of the building in question;

WHEREAS this building has been completely closed by the municipality, to prevent unauthorized occupancy, during the procedures with the former owner;

WHEREAS the previous owner, proceeded to the sale of the said building without informing the buyer of the nonconformity file which the municipality had informed him several times and of the demolition judgment rendered by the Honorable Judge Corriveau on February 23, 2017;

WHEREAS the owner has not taken any steps to obtain the demolition permit for the said residence, despite the municipality's request to do so;

WHEREAS that, pursuant to resolution 2019-10-325 adopted on October 8, 2019, the municipality had mandated the law firm Bélanger Sauvé in this matter, but no legal proceedings have been undertaken to date;

CONSEQUENTLYit is proposed by Councillor Serge Bourbonnais and resolved:

  • to repeal resolution 2019-10-325 adopted on October 8, 2019;
  • to mandate Mrs. Mélanie St-Onge from the firm of lawyers Trivium, to undertake all legal proceedings required to enable the municipality to proceed with the demolition of the building located at 3 Avoca Road, Municipality of Grenville-sur- la-Rouge, and that at the expense of the owner;
  • that the necessary funds be taken from account

Carried unanimously

2020-04-155 Resolution - Granting of a legal mandate to get the Court's permission to demolish a burnt and abandoned building at 2713 Route 148

CONSIDERING THAT the building located at 2713 route 148, Municipality of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, is abandoned and dilapidated following a fire on April 7, 2018;

WHEREAS this building must be demolished to ensure the security of the neighborhood;

WHEREAS the property is left abandoned with debris of all kinds, used vehicles and contravenes article 4 and 5 of by-law number R-4 concerning nuisances;

WHEREAS the owner, while having made the move to obtain the permit to demolish the said residence, did not start the work in any way, despite letters and repeated requests from the municipality to this effect;

WHEREAS that, pursuant to resolution 2019-10-324 adopted on October 8, 2019, the municipality had mandated the law firm Bélanger Sauvé in this matter, but no legal proceedings have been undertaken to date;

CONSEQUENTLY it is proposed by Councillor Manon Jutras and resolved to:

  • to repeal resolution 2019-10-324 adopted on October 8, 2019;
  • to mandate Mrs. Mélanie St-Onge from the firm of lawyers Trivium, to undertake all legal proceedings required to enable the municipality to proceed with the demolition of the building located at 2713, 148 Road, Municipality of Grenville-sur- la-Rouge, and that at the expense of the owner;
  • that the necessary funds be taken from account

Carried unanimously


The general director certifies that the Municipality has the necessary budgetary credits for the expenses decreed in this special sitting.



2020-04-156 Adjournment

All of the subjects in the agenda have been covered, it is proposed by Councillor Serge Bourbonnais and resolved to close the special sitting at 5:16 pm.

Carried unanimously

Tom Arnold


Marc Beaulieu

Directeur général et secrétaire-trésorier

Minutes of April 30, 2020
Minutes of April 14, 2020

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